
Pesto Pizza

Yesterday I was on Pinterest and I saw this amazing looking pesto pizza and then I turned to Eric and told him I figured out what we were having for dinner. Sometimes I am guilty of this I just pin things like crazy and don’t always click through the image to the website. I used Baker by Nature’s pizza photo for inspiration last night but this morning when I did click through the pin ( I was pleasantly surprised to find a new blog I want to follow. She is not vegan but some of her recipes are and that’s always nice to see.

Last night was the first time we made any pesto this summer. Our basil got a late start this year. We planted three containers of basil and one cherry tomato. We haven’t seen any tomatoes yet but it is starting to flower.  So for our pesto pizza we used small grape tomatoes we bought at the local farmers market.

To make our Pesto Pizza we used:

We didn’t use any regular pizza sauce we just used the pesto as the sauce. spread the pesto on liberally and sprinkle on the topping and then bake according to directions of whatever crust you use.

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