Monthly Update

Goodbye October Hello November

Goodbye October! Saying goodbye to October makes me sad. It’s one of my favorite months full of fun fall activities and I can not believe it is November already. What are your plans for Thanksgiving? The holidays are right around the corner. It’s a little scary right? As much as I love Christmas and all that comes with it the holidays can be a little stressful and overwhelming. I honestly don’t have a lot of activities planned for November for that reason. When it is crazy busy at work sometimes it’s nice to have some down time at home on the weekends.

So what has everyone been up to in October? We started the month off visiting friends in Chattanooga. That saturday was the 2nd annual Southern Bend Yoga Festival held downtown on the riverfront in Coolidge Park. I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to go but I was able to sneak away for a few hours and check it out. My friend we were staying with had to take her daughter to a birthday party and I opted not to go with them. Hmm a stranger’s child’s birthday party or a yoga festival? Tough choice.

The park is a great location for this and I was pretty amazed at the Chattanooga yoga scene. I think I heard the attendance was around 1000 people. It was hard to tell how many people were there because there were three or four different classes going on at the same time in different parts of the park. It was a really fun event and I like that proceeds from ticket sales go to a local charitable cause.  I can’t wait to go again next year!

Now that the weather is cooperating and the temps are dropping it is finally feeling like fall so I have started hiking more. I have gone out to Red Mountain Park a few times because it is a super convenient location for me. I love going on an early morning hike it’s so peaceful. Check out my post about trails in the park if you haven’t already.

We went hiking and camping last weekend in North Alabama. This was our first trip to Monte Sano State Park in Huntsville. We loved the campground and the trails. Our campsite was fairly private for a large campground.  I am so proud of us for not forgetting any of our essential camping supplies like we have on past trips. I think we are starting to get our system down for camping trips.

Last week we also celebrated our wedding anniversary. Eric saw me eying a necklace on a website while I was working on a holiday gift guide post and since the modern gift for 14 years is gold jewelry it made the perfect gift with the perfect little note.

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